1. You absolutely must use Hotmail FA right away unless bulk purchase warranty time is 2hr on replacements again exceptions can be made if you are buying bulk logins then up to 24hr

2. All products on the store are for educational purposes only and we're not responsible for your actions using any of them for illegal purposes.

3. Please be sure you send the exact crypto amounts asked or we may have to manually process your order (keep this in mind when sending from an exchange with additional fees! No other payment methods are offered for products on this site and won't likely be integrated any time soon.

4.  Refer to rule #1 different domain consisting of IMAP/POP3 other than Hotmail I will allow longer warranty times and again if your order is bulk the 2 hours is totally irrelevant, I won't be denying replacements if you spend often!

5. If you don't know how to login to a specific domain use Thunderbird/Edison Mail/Mailbird or equivalent software to find the server. If you still need assistance, contact us kindly!

6. Once you top up to balance there is no refunds only replacements keep this in mind! DO NOT DEPOSIT if you're not okay with this basic rule. When asking for replacements please send as many screenshot as possible and explain your exact issue.

7.  Support may at any given time disable you from shopping with us if you break any of the rules or if we have any suspicion of you reselling our data without permission; or etc. Rules can change at any time at our own discretion.